Here's an update on my commitment to myself. Just writing those words makes me think of the song "Hazard to Myself" by Pink because it is so applicable to my awkward yoga moves. But, I have been doing yoga daily for almost 3 weeks now. The instructor at my first class took one look at my mat, laughed at its 80s style poofiness and directed me towards the "real" yoga mats. At home I either do my Wii fit yoga, or practice the moves from class. It's pretty straight forward actually and it makes me feel great.
Besides that, I've been enjoying all of the attention from my dog, Oliver. Yoga seems to make him a little bit jealous for some reason. He can't stand that I am following the poses on TV and paying no attention to him whatsoever. It is the most adorable thing because, since we got him 8 years ago, he has been such a daddy's dog. Now he prances around me, nudges me off balance, whines and sometimes even barks. He lies down right on my mat between my legs and arms to make the yoga pose a real downward dog. I haven't had this much attention from him for ages and I love it. Sometimes I just have to collapse on him and give him snuggles. My next word throw down might just have something to do with our adorable Ollie.
Ha, Ha. That is so... loveable Oliver - I can just picture it. Your down there in the invitation to play territory. Reminds me of years ago when I tried doing floor exercises with little toddlers around, never knew when one would take a flying leap on top of me. But well done with your yoga regime. Also I'm enjoying your poetry here on Write Hearted.
Cheers, Jocelyn
Ha, Ha. That is so... loveable Oliver - I can just picture it. Your down there in the invitation to play territory. Reminds me of years ago when I tried doing floor exercises with little toddlers around, never knew when one would take a flying leap on top of me. But well done with your yoga regime. Also I'm enjoying your poetry here on Write Hearted.
Cheers, Jocelyn
PS. Wonderful photo too :-)
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